The Friendship Force of Olympia, P.O. Box 4312, Tumwater, WA 98501
Annual dues (January to December) are $30.00 per person.
They cover club newsletters, administrative expenses and club dues to
Friendship Force International
Make checks payable to Friendship Force of Greater Olympia.
NAME (s): ______________________________________________
Dues enclosed __________________________________________
Street Address__________________________________________
Phone #:
Questions? Please contact, Membership Chair or email from home page.
All member dues are paid each December for the following year.
NOTE: The advent of the world wide web has made it possible for Friendship Force members to have images (photos) of themselves and other information about them included in our newsletter, web and other publications. Some members may desire that photos of themselves or other information about them not be included in our publications for various reasons. If you would like us to withhold photos or other information about yourself from F.F. documents and/or the website, please send a request in writing to the club Membership Chairperson. Thank you.
Make checks payable to Friendship Force of Greater Olympia.
NAME (s): ______________________________________________
Dues enclosed __________________________________________
Street Address__________________________________________
Phone #:
Questions? Please contact, Membership Chair or email from home page.
All member dues are paid each December for the following year.
NOTE: The advent of the world wide web has made it possible for Friendship Force members to have images (photos) of themselves and other information about them included in our newsletter, web and other publications. Some members may desire that photos of themselves or other information about them not be included in our publications for various reasons. If you would like us to withhold photos or other information about yourself from F.F. documents and/or the website, please send a request in writing to the club Membership Chairperson. Thank you.